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NEC PC-9801 - BIOS Memory Map


Address Description
0x401 Extended memory between 0x100000 and 0xFFFFFF, in units of 128 KB
0x43B bit 2 - 0 if memory hole between 15 and 16MB present, 1 otherwise; TODO
0x501 BIOS flags: bits 0-2 - conventional memory size, in units of 128 KB; bit 3 - 1 if high resolution system; bits 4-6 TODO; bit 7 - 1 if 2.4576MHz timer; 0 if 1.9968MHz timer
0x52A-0x539 Keyboard matrix
0x538 Keyboard shift status (see INT 18h AH=02h)
0x594 - 0x595 Extended memory above 0xFFFFFF, in units of 1 MB
jdm/pc9801/biosmem.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/25 15:10 by asie