This article is a stub. You can help by reverse-engineering things.
. This makes regular ZZT see them as comments, due to the preceding apostrophe. Prefixing the ZZT Enhancer command with ' makes its parser also treat it as a comment.']add “stones” 1
TODO (potential names: lastmx
, lastmy
, songpos
, songrow
, songvol
, enhancer
, playerx
, playery
, playerdist
ID | String |
7 | Torches: |
8 | Gems: |
11 | T |
25 | Torch |
TODO: Complete list.
Move while preserving background color.
Takes two arguments.
Syntax: add “variable” x
Adds x
to “variable”
Syntax: addcstat ypos color char name “variable”
Adds a stat to the sidebar, at Y position ypos
, with an icon color
, char
, name name
, tracking variable “variable”
Syntax: allocscreen number_of_screens
Allocate number_of_screens
screens, addressable from 0
to number_of_screens - 1
Syntax: becomeb element color
Becomes a statless element
of color color
Syntax: becomeo element_id color ??? ??? ???
Becomes a statted element with the specified parameters.
Takes four arguments.
Takes one argument.
Takes one argument.
Syntax: changeb from_element from_color to_element to_color
Changes all instances of a given element ID and color to the other element ID and color. ? may be used as a wildcard in from_color. Faster than ZZT #change
TODO: Can ? be used elsewhere?
Takes three arguments.
Syntax: charid element_id char_id
Changes the rendering character for element_id
to char_id
TODO: Does this work on elements with custom rendering logic? (Text, objects, etc.)
Syntax: chstr string_id contents
Replaces the string with ID string_id
with contents
Syntax: color x
Sets the color value of the tile to x
Takes three arguments.
Syntax: cropscreen screen_index x1 y1 width height x2 y2
Takes no arguments.
Syntax: delete “variable”
Deletes the variable “variable”
Seemingly not implemented as of Enhancer 0.3b. TODO: Verify
Syntax: deletecstat ypos
Removes the custom stat at ypos
Syntax: dieitem
Destroys the object and moves stat 0 - the player - to its location.
Syntax: divide “variable” x
Divides “variable”
by x
Takes no arguments.
Takes three or four arguments.
Syntax: enhance [16-byte lower-case hex value]
Takes one argument.
Takes no arguments.
Takes between one and eight arguments.
Takes between one and eight arguments.
Syntax: freescreen
Deallocate all allocated screens. The opposite of allocscreen
Takes one argument.
Takes no arguments.
Takes one argument.
- equal!=
- not equal>=
- greater than or equal⇐
- smaller than or equal»
- greater than«
- smaller than
Syntax: ifat x y element color command
If, at location x
, y
, there is an element element
of color color
, execute command
Takes two arguments.
Takes six arguments.
Takes four arguments.
Takes two arguments.
Takes two arguments.
Takes one argument.
Takes two arguments.
Takes two arguments.
Takes one argument.
Takes one argument.
Takes one argument.
Syntax: loadscreenres screen_index resource_index
Loads screen from resource resource_index
to slot screen_index
Takes two arguments.
Takes two arguments.
Takes one argument.
Takes one argument.
Takes two arguments.
Takes one argument.
Syntax: moveplayer x y
Moves the player to location x
, y
Takes no arguments.
TODO: Is mul also valid?
Syntax: multiply “variable” x
Multiplies “variable”
by x
Syntax: playerchar char_id
Sets the player character to char_id
Takes one argument.
Syntax: playercol color
Sets the player color to color
(0 - 255).
Syntax: playsong filename
Plays the song filename
Syntax: playsongres resource_index
Playes the song at asset index resource_index
Takes five arguments.
Syntax: putblock x y element color
Place a statless element
of color color
at position x
, y
Takes three arguments.
Takes three arguments.
Syntax: putobj x y element_id color ??? ??? ???
Place a statted element with the specified parameters at location x
, y
Syntax: putobjup element_id color ??? ??? ???
Takes five arguments.
Syntax: puttext x y color text
Puts the “text
” string in color color
location x
, y
Takes four arguments.
Takes two arugments.
Takes the following types of arguments: player
, self
, or <x> <y>
Makes future “x, y” location arguments be calculated relative to the provided target.
Syntax: restorescreen screen_index x y
Restores the screen slot screen_index
to (x
, y
Syntax: rgb id r g b
Set the color id
to color values r
, g
, b
(range 0-63).
Syntax: savescreen screen_index x1 y1 x2 y2
Saves the screen area from (x1
, y1
) to (x2
, y2
) to the screen slot screen_index
Takes four arguments.
Takes one argument.
Syntax: set “variable” x
Sets the variable “variable”
to the value x
Syntax: setcoli c x
Sets the intensity of color c
to x
(0 - 100).
Syntax: setmusicvol x
Sets the music volume to x
(0 - 100).
Syntax: setpali x
Sets the global palette intensity to x
(0 - 100).
Takes one argument.
Takes no arguments.
Takes no arguments.
Takes two arguments.
Stops the currently playing song.
Syntax: subtract “variable” x
Subtracts x
from “variable”
Takes four arguments.
Takes two arguments.
Takes no arguments.
Takes two arguments.
Syntax: walk x y
Sets the walking direction to x
, y
. For instance, walk -1 -1
will cause the object to walk north-west.
Takes four arguments.