====== Welcome to the Wiki of Weavers! ======
This is the place to document the myriad of attempts at extending, modifying or succeeding ZZT made throughout the years. (If you're looking for documentation on ZZT and Super ZZT themselves, I recommend checking out [[https://wiki.zzt.org/wiki/Main_Page|the Wiki of ZZT]] and [[https://museumofzzt.com/|Museum of ZZT]] instead.)
If you'd like to learn more about the classification and scope of the wiki, please check out our [[wiki:taxonomy|Taxonomy]].
===== How to Register =====
- Create an account via the normal registration process.
- Contact asie to be approved as an editor. This is an anti-spam measure. You can use the following avenues:
* **E-mail:** kontakt "at" asie "dot" pl,
* **Discord:** asie at the [[https://museumofzzt.com/discord|Discord of ZZT]].
Once you have an approved account, why not have a look at our list of [[https://zeta.asie.pl/wiki/doku.php?id=tag:stub&do=showtag&tag=stub|stubbed articles]]?
===== List of Collaborative Standards/Documents =====
=== ID/Namespace Registries ===
=== Off-topic/Other ===
* [[research:lost_zzt_files|Lost ZZT Files]]
* [[research:zzt_preservation_phonebook|ZZT Preservation Phonebook]]
* [[editors:comparison|ZZT Editor Comparison]]
* [[research:zzt_in_media|ZZT in the Media]]
* [[research:zzm_format|ZZT Music Formats]]
* [[research:zzt_floppy_photos|ZZT Floppy Photos]]
* [[research:zzt_fixweave_patches|ZZT FixWeave Patches]]
* [[research:zzt_aol_logs|AOL ZZT community logs]]
=== ZXT Extension Format ===
* [[zxt:format_specification|Format Specification]]
* [[zxt:owner_ids|Owner IDs]]
* [[zxt:extension_list|Documented extensions]]
===== List of Engines =====
=== Actively Developed ===
=== Hex Edits ===
=== Forks ===
=== Source Ports ===
=== Wrappers ===
=== Successors ===
=== Clones ===
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