====== Lost Files of ZZT ====== This is an index of known lost ZZT-related files, especially including game worlds. **Do you have any of these files? Do you have any other ZZT-related files?** Please contact me at asiekierka at gmail.com (or kontakt at asie.pl). ===== Confirmed as lost ===== This table lists ZZT-related files that are proven to have been publicly available at some point in time. ^ Type ^ Name ^ Author ^ Date (D/M/Y) ^ Original URL ^ Comment ^ | Utility | [[release:zzt325|ZZT 3.25]] | Smallhacker | |%% http://www.geocities.com/jddgames/zzt3_25.zip%% | [[http://www.geocities.ws/jddgames/ZZT3_25.html|Website mirror]] | | Demo | Brawlers Demo | Evan Darrow | 1993-1994? | | BRAWLDMO.ZZT found in private archive, but corrupt; partial restoration [[https://museumofzzt.com/file/view/brawldemo/|here]] | | Game | Crazy Maze | thecomputerwhiz | ??/??/2011 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IP_3Rh08x8M | | | Demo | Rhygar 2 Demo | Bongo79 | 18/04/1997 | | [[research:lost_zzt_files:r2demrd|R2DEMRD.TXT]] | | Demo | Terrorist Tower | GreaseMonkey (thematrixeatsyou) | 27/09/2006 | %%http://tmey.cjb.net/ttower.html%% | [[http://zzt.org/fora/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2543&start=15|z2 forum thread]] | | Game | Citrus Yoshi | Goshi | 28/12/2002 | %%http://camex.phenominet.com/mzx/CitrusYoshi.zip%% | [[https://www.digitalmzx.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5467|DigitalMZX forum thread]] | | Game | Hell | Paladin | 2000? | %%http://superwad.homepage.com/zzt/hell.zip%% | [[https://web.archive.org/web/20010222223303/http://superwad.homepage.com/zzt.html|Hosted on SuperWAD's website]] | | Game | Pete the Pirate | Wonder103 | 14/07/2001 | | [[research:lost_zzt_files:pete_pirate|Pirate.txt]], formerly/briefly available on z2 | | Game | Pokey's Volleyball | Knightt | | %%http://voighdt.trap.cx/volypkey.zip%% | [[https://web.archive.org/web/20000309000725/http://voighdt.trap.cx/aureole.html|Listed on Red Aureole]] | | Game | Town of ZZT 2 | ff6sabin | | %%http://voighdt.trap.cx/town2.zip%% | [[https://web.archive.org/web/20000309000725/http://voighdt.trap.cx/aureole.html|Listed on Red Aureole]] | | Game | ZZT is Stupid | Paladin | 2000? | %%http://superwad.homepage.com/zzt/zzt_is_stupid.zip%% | [[https://web.archive.org/web/20010222223303/http://superwad.homepage.com/zzt.html|Hosted on SuperWAD's website]] | | Demo | Blue's Clues | oryx-de-cow | | %%http://voighdt.trap.cx/blueclue.zip%% | [[https://web.archive.org/web/20000309000725/http://voighdt.trap.cx/aureole.html|Listed on Red Aureole]] | | Demo | Super Mario ZZT | thepiper | | %%http://voighdt.trap.cx/mario.zip%% | [[https://web.archive.org/web/20000309000725/http://voighdt.trap.cx/aureole.html|Listed on Red Aureole]] | | Demo | Any Colour You Like | | | %%http://voighdt.trap.cx/colours1.zip%% | [[https://web.archive.org/web/20000309000725/http://voighdt.trap.cx/aureole.html|Listed on Red Aureole]] | | Game | Bad Ships | Easy Cyan (David Thayer) | | %%http://www.compstuff.net:80/Zzt/Worlds/badships.zzt%% | [[https://web.archive.org/web/20040604112513/http://www.compstuff.net:80/zzt.htm|Listed on homepage]] | | Game | Dig Dug | Easy Cyan (David Thayer) | | %%http://www.compstuff.net:80/Zzt/Worlds/digdug.rar%% | [[https://web.archive.org/web/20040604112513/http://www.compstuff.net:80/zzt.htm|Listed on homepage]] | | Game | Fear Runner | Easy Cyan (David Thayer) | | %%http://www.compstuff.net:80/Zzt/Worlds/runner-8.zzt%% | [[https://web.archive.org/web/20040604112513/http://www.compstuff.net:80/zzt.htm|Listed on homepage]] | | Game | Grass War | Easy Cyan (David Thayer) | | %%http://www.compstuff.net:80/Zzt/Worlds/graswar9.zzt%% | [[https://web.archive.org/web/20040604112513/http://www.compstuff.net:80/zzt.htm|Listed on homepage]] | | Game | Jungle of Escape | Easy Cyan (David Thayer) | | %%http://www.compstuff.net:80/Zzt/Worlds/jungle-7.zzt%% | [[https://web.archive.org/web/20040604112513/http://www.compstuff.net:80/zzt.htm|Listed on homepage]] | | Game | Mission: Implausible ("Mathmo") | Rachael Luckett (Woodpijn) | | %%http://student.cusu.cam.ac.uk/~tmn22/mathmo.zzt%% | | | Game | Multi Terrains | Easy Cyan (David Thayer) | | %%http://www.compstuff.net:80/Zzt/Worlds/multi8.zzt%% | [[https://web.archive.org/web/20040604112513/http://www.compstuff.net:80/zzt.htm|Listed on homepage]] | | Game | Remote Planet | Easy Cyan (David Thayer) | | %%http://www.compstuff.net:80/Zzt/Worlds/remotep9.zzt%% | [[https://web.archive.org/web/20040604112513/http://www.compstuff.net:80/zzt.htm|Listed on homepage]] | | Game | Rosewood Knight | Robert Pragt | | %%http://www1.tip.nl/~t866896/robert/roswood.zip%% | [[https://web.archive.org/web/20000617022727/http://www1.tip.nl/~t866896/robert/robert.htm|Listed on homepage]] | | Game | Space Protector | Easy Cyan (David Thayer) | | %%http://www.compstuff.net:80/Zzt/Worlds/SP-V01.SAV%% | [[https://web.archive.org/web/20040604112513/http://www.compstuff.net:80/zzt.htm|Listed on homepage]] | | Game | NES Museum | Yoshi011 | | %%http://www.smbland.com/fanmadegames/nes.zip%% | [[https://web.archive.org/web/20010504050724/http://www.smbland.com/fanmadegames/|Listed on smbland.com]] | | Game | Journey | Doc | | %%http://www.ims-1.com/~modrnart/journey.zzt%% | %%http://www.ims-1.com/~modrnart/zzt.html%% | | Game | Forest Journey | Doc | | %%http://www.ims-1.com/~modrnart/journyf.zzt%% | %%http://www.ims-1.com/~modrnart/zzt.html%% | | Game | T'Bay (TBAY.PAK) | | 17/03/1991 | | [[http://discmaster.textfiles.com/view/14708/MONSTER1.ISO/bbs/rbbs/fms-103.zip/UPDATE.C91|Listed on RBBS-FMS OffLine Catalogue]] | | Game | Planet Destroyer | Evan Darrow | ??/06/1993 | | [[http://discmaster.textfiles.com/view/10781/CDASC08.ISO/VRAC/AOL_LIB.ZIP/LIB0607.NEW|Listed in AOL upload listing]] | | Utility | Supa Font | Robert Pragt | | %%http://www1.tip.nl/~t866896/robert/supaf.zip%% | [[https://web.archive.org/web/20000617022727/http://www1.tip.nl/~t866896/robert/robert.htm|Listed on homepage]] | | ??? | SoundMan | | | | ZZT Club; appears in Brian Schweitzer's list and a 1992 BBS file list | | ??? | a bunch of zzt boards from games i started but never finished (circa 1994-96) | Mono | | %%http://www.barrelremnants.com/zzt/mono.zip%% | | ===== Suspected lost ===== This table lists ZZT-related files that are not preserved, but have been mentioned in forum posts or magazines - however, without concrete proof as to their public existence or lack thereof. Note that many of these games are known to have existed - for the purposes of these lists, I consider "proof" very literally. ^ Type ^ Name ^ Author ^ Comment ^ | Game | A"Maze"ing | ? | [[https://www.digitalmzx.com/if/feature-prodigyzztclub.shtml|John Shipley's ZZT Club list]] | | Game | Attack over ZZT | Aran Meuser | [[https://www.digitalmzx.com/if/feature-prodigyzztclub.shtml|John Shipley's ZZT Club list]] | | Demo | Excalibur | ? | [[https://www.digitalmzx.com/if/feature-prodigyzztclub.shtml|John Shipley's ZZT Club list]] | | Game | Gold Fever | Chris Jong | [[https://www.digitalmzx.com/if/feature-prodigyzztclub.shtml|John Shipley's ZZT Club list]] | | Game | Sword of Fury | John Shipley | Mentioned in IF interview and other j.shipley2 games | | Game | The Life and Times of Chad Slacker | ? | [[https://www.digitalmzx.com/if/feature-prodigyzztclub.shtml|John Shipley's ZZT Club list]] | | Game | Die, Scum, Die! | zamros's older brother | AOL file library release; [[http://zzt.org/fora/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3686|information source]] | | Game | Los Refritos 2, 3, 4, 5 | gchucky | | | Game | Leftovers | RbdWombat | [[https://web.archive.org/web/19990202125026/http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/4397/leftover.html|Geocities webpage]] | | Game | ZZTLand 1-2 | Collin Tedlock? | Mentioned in ZPower2. | | Game | WEIRD 0.04 | Scott Hammack | Mentioned in AOL logs and in maxzzt.zip; conversely, author claims it did not exist publicly or in a finished form | | Game | Sivion pre-2.00g | Monthigos | Mentioned in The NL, as well as implied by the game itself. | | Game | Caves of Terror (1991) | Lee Savage | Mentioned in the [[https://museumofzzt.com/article/515/zzt-and-epic-newsletter-scans|H1 1991 ZZT newsletter]] | | Game | Unnamed Star Trek trivia game (1991) | Gail Eppers | Mentioned in the [[https://museumofzzt.com/article/515/zzt-and-epic-newsletter-scans|H1 1991 ZZT newsletter]] | | Game | Silver Stars series games, etc. | SkunkStarlight | [[https://www.deviantart.com/skunkstarlight/art/History-of-Work-858160127|https://www.deviantart.com/skunkstarlight/art/History-of-Work-858160127]] | NUMBERS.ZIP 2676 03-30-93 This Is A Zzt Random Number Picker. | Created By Joe Moone. | You Need Zzt.Zip To Play This Game. | (Newest File Date: 02-06-93) README.ZIP 3515 03-30-93 Download This Before Downloading Any Of The | Landland Games! | You Need Zzt.Zip To Use This File! | (Newest File Date: 02-06-93) ===== Partially lost ===== The following items are at least partially usable (so preserved beyond a mention or text file), but are missing some auxillary files. ^ Type ^ Name ^ Author ^ Comment ^ ===== Brian Schweitzer's list (1993) ===== Bundled in COLORUS.SZT - only suspected missing games without other evidence listed. ^ Name/Filename ^ Comment ^ | Citadel | Possibly unreleased | | Easier Citadel | Possibly unreleased | | Doc.zzt | | | Space Ducky 2 | Likely unreleased | | Gunner.zzt | | | Orb.zzt | | | Reds.zzt | | | Sword.zzt | | | Sword2.zzt | | The total count is 34-36 ZZT games and 7 Super ZZT games. ===== z2 rejections ===== Nothing else is known about these other than the date of their removal from the upload queue. Some games made as obvious trolls by prominent ZZTers are not listed, as well as games which can circumstancially be proven to have been uploaded. ^ Name ^ Date ^ | ZEBRA.zzt | February 6, 2002 | | ateam.zip | February 6, 2002 | | Bugger98.zip | February 6, 2002 | | Hughes.zip | February 6, 2002 | | Jhcaverns.zip | February 6, 2002 | | Starfighter | March 11, 2002 | | Spletch.zip | March 17, 2002 | | Goofy Magazine 1 | April 4, 2002 | | creations.zip | April 27, 2002 | | jail.zzt | May 6, 2002 | | Dirrco.zzt | May 6, 2002 | | Search for Bin Laden.zip | May 23, 2002 | | skuulkuuldemo.zip | May 23, 2002 | | SuperRacers2002.zip | May 23, 2002 | | Ultimate ZZT KIT.zip | May 23, 2002 | | The_Cave.zip | June 22, 2002 | | darkgulf.zip | June 29, 2002 | | Diablo.zip | July 25, 2002 | | microbe.zip | July 25, 2002 | | LUKE.zip (also Luke's ZZT Game.zip on 08/23, ZZT-Luke.zip on 08/30, ZZT-Luke V. 2.ZIP, ...) | August 16, 2002 | | Sidemania.zip | August 16, 2002 | | poodle.zip | August 23, 2002 | | blinkmag.zip | August 23, 2002 | | harold.zip | September 6, 2002 | | 2in1.zip | September 6, 2002 | | Mr-pain.zip | September 6, 2002 | | lavamandemo.zip (demo of lavaman.zip) | September 13, 2002 | | goofdugdemo.zip | September 20, 2002 | | Game.zip | September 24, 2002 | | portalde.zip | September 24, 2002 | | mportbeta.zip, bmportal.zip, etc. | October 5, 2002 | | jamaster.zip | October 26-28, 2002 | | paybereplacement.zip | October 28, 2002 | | Art.zip (by Kuno) | November 25, 2002 | | diebarney.ZIP | December 22, 2002 | | Carni.zip | January 30, 2003 | | Alchemy.zip | March 13, 2003 | | ATOFTHNO.zip (stolen boards) | March 13, 2003 | | skeletonworld.zip | March 27, 2003 | | WOOTANY.zip | April 6, 2003 | | Bestgaim.zip | April 16, 2003 | | Militia1-2-3.zip | May 2, 2003 | | Security1-2-3-4-5.zip | May 2, 2003 | | evo2.zip (stolen boards) | May 16, 2003 | | StickUp2.zip | June 19, 2003 | | HORSE.zip | July 2, 2003 | | DigDugZZT.zip | July 12, 2003 | | STARWARS.zip | July 18, 2003 | | School32.zip | July 25, 2003 | | canada.zip | August 3, 2003 | | COLLEGED.zip | August 21, 2003 | | tr's toolkit | August 21, 2003 | | nonewbde.zip | August 21, 2003 | | poker.zip | September 15, 2003 | | Davesw1.zip | September 15, 2003 | | EFD.zip | September 30, 2003 | | GameDemosthatreallyneedtouchingup.zip | November 9, 2003 | | 3demo!.zip | November 9, 2003 | | Fun.zip (Super ZZT) | December 2003 | | Mygame.zip | December 9, 2003 | | maze.zip | December 23, 2003 | | dadedadeda.zip | January 16, 2004 | | pphis.zip | January 16, 2004 | | FantasyAdventure2.0.zip | January 16, 2004 | | pointles.zip | February 2, 2004 | | C2.zip | April 9, 2004 | | Shooting | April 9, 2004 | | Maze.zip (Super ZZT) | April 9, 2004 | | Wishv1.zip | May 9, 2004 | | meteor.zip | May 9, 2004 | | timewhat.zip | September 3, 2004 | | ZZTDoors | October 30, 2004 | | ZZTVGA | October 30, 2004 | | Laugh.zip | March 24, 2005 | | retraQ.zip | April 17, 2005 | | GARFIELD.ZIP | April 17, 2005 | | lab.zip | June 14, 2005 | | myb**ch.zip | June 14, 2005 | | splart.zip | November 19, 2005 | | Demon.zip | November 19, 2005 | | zztgame.zip | April 7, 2006 | | directory.zip | April 7, 2006 | | Townpcp.zip | May 9, 2006 | | run.zip | June 16, 2006 | | war.zip | June 16, 2006 | | quindo.zip | October 6, 2006 | | runtime.zip | December 2006 | | GETTOBAS.zip | December 2, 2006 | | SHOOT.zip | December 2, 2006 | | Newbie.zip | December 2006 - January 2007 | | badjump2.zip | December 22, 2006 | | SVSG.zip | December 22, 2006 | | mmzzt.zip | December 22, 2006 | | Cowboys.zip | December 22, 2006 | | corrupt.zip | December 22, 2006 | | CORN.zip | January 8, 2007 | | Madf2.zip | January 8, 2007 | | DVHELP.zip | February 15, 2007 | | TFNZ.ZZT | April 5, 2007 | | A-WARS.ZIP | April 27, 2007 | | FROGWARRIORS.ZIP | April 27, 2007 | | MEGAZZT.ZIP | April 27, 2007 | | NewgameX.zip | May 10, 2007 | | DangerCitypart1.zip | June 9, 2007 | | Xtopia5.zip | October 27, 2009 | | rd(replacement).zip | October 27, 2009 | ===== Other ===== * The work-in-progress ZZT game "Escape From Castle Wolfenstein" by Commodore (2004) was lost, with the only two people holding beta builds (himself and John W. Wells) no longer having copies. [[http://zzt.org/fora/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=3349|z2 forum thread with screenshots]]. ===== Lost ZZT Clones ===== * [[http://zzt.org/fora/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=3302|RememberZZT]] (MrZor) * [[http://zzt.org/fora/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=3084|ZZT Unlimited]] (GreaseMonkey)