====== zzt32kc ======
zzt32kc is a hex edit of ZZT 3.2 created by Spectere for widespread use. It was released on March 31st, 2019. It is notable for two reasons:
* It is most likely the final hex edit of ZZT made for production use, with the Reconstruction of ZZT's release in March 2020,
* It is one of the few hex edits which modify assembly code, not just data/strings.
===== Documentation =====
>Hey all! Here's a fairly simple patched version of ZZT.EXE v3.2 that bypasses
>the input and color selection screens, eliminating the need to press K, C
>every time you start the game. This does not support any alternative
>controller types whatsoever, so if you plan to use the mouse or joystick at
>any point in time, make sure to save a copy of your existing ZZT.EXE.
===== Changes =====
Code is changed between 0x1E6F and 0x205D. This concerns the area of code starting from the ''InputInitDevices;'' call in ZZT.PAS's GameConfigure up until the end of the procedure. It is replaced with the following assembly code:
C606CC8800 mov byte [0x88cc],0x0
C606CD8800 mov byte [0x88cd],0x0
C60614A100 mov byte [0xa114],0x0
89EC mov sp,bp
5D pop bp
C3 ret
which translates to:
InputJoystickEnabled := false;
InputMouseEnabled := false;
VideoMonochrome := false;
===== Links =====
* [[https://museumofzzt.com/file/z/zzt32kc.zip|Download]]