{{tag>type:successor stub}} ====== JZT ====== This article is a stub. JZT is a successor to ZZT created by Mark McIntyre, written with web browsers in mind. As of January 8th, 2023 (([[https://jzt.xyz/blog/open-source|"JZT: JZT now on GitHub"]])), it has been made available under the terms of the GPLv3 (([[https://github.com/markmcintyre/jzt/blob/main/license.md|"jzt/license.md at main ยท markmcintyre/jzt"]])) ===== Notes on Counters ===== Unlike ZZT, JZT does not have any concept of flags. Instead, one can create an arbitrary amount of named counters, which can act as ZZT-like flags as desired. This means that the expressions ''set flag'' are ''set 1 flag'' equivalent. Counters can be given maximum values by creating a new counter with ''_max'' appended to the counter name. For instance ''set 100 health_max'' would set your maximum health to 100, and ''set 50 flag_max'' would set the maximum value of the ''flag'' counter to 50. To remove the maximum value from a counter, simply set it back to zero. For example, ''set 0 ammo_max'' would remove the ammo cap, if it existed. The ''_max'' attribute can apply recursively. For instance, ''set 1000 health_max_max'' would set the maximum value of ''health_max'' to 1000. In addition to the standard built-in ZZT counters, there is a built-in counter named ''torchlife''. Keys can be accessed as JZTScript counters with names in the form of ''KEY''+[color code], where the color code is a hex value between 9 and F. For example, ''set key9'' would give the player a blue key. ===== Links ===== * [[https://jzt.xyz/|Website]] * [[https://github.com/markmcintyre/jzt|Source code]] * [[https://jzt.xyz/editor/jztscript-reference|JZTScript Reference Manual]]